Our Philosophy

The philosophy of a school reflects its purpose, process, nature and ideals of education. It reflects the aims, methods and all the elements of education related to the moral and social conditions. It interprets various areas such as curriculum, context, method, learning, teaching, motivation and others. It helps in the understanding of not only an aspect of learning but of education as a whole. It is a synthesis of the realities of education and the educational values.

It is widely accepted that the aim of philosophy of education has to be the all-round development of personality. All round development consists of all the aspects – physical, mental, moral, social, emotional and the spiritual. It should help the students to deal with all their real-life problems in their family, society and career while not losing focus on the purpose of life.


Holistic Education is a ‘whole-body’ approach to education. Whether we are looking at the student’s whole body or the society as a whole body. From the student’s point of view, learning is promoted by engaging the different senses of the student. From the school’s point of view, the Holistic approach to learning is to continually place the student within the context of society. In fact, the learning needs of the student are derived from needs of the society at large.


Realistic Education addresses and builds on the rational relationship between the student and the environment. It emphasizes on truth and realities of life rather than the endeavor and appreciation of beauty. It combines scientific knowledge with common sense, and orients itself to the needs of life and changes therein.


Futuristic Education refers to the usage of innovative learning delivery mechanisms. The moot point being that ‘how can learning reach students beyond the conventional classroom at campus’. A large part of it relies on e-learning, but more important than technology is the interactive nature of learning delivery. This approach also takes into consideration the up-skilling of the teaching faculty wrt to the new modes of delivery.

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